Residential Radon Testing

Radon Test Procedures:

  • Close all doors and windows 12 hours prior to the start of your inspection.
  • Do not open any windows during the test period.
  • Quickly close doors as you enter and exit the structure.
  • You may use your heating and air conditioning system as needed.  Window air conditioners must have the outside air vents closed.
  • Swamp coolers and whole house fans may not be used during the test period.
  • Do not use your fireplace during the test period.
  • Do not run exhaust fans excessively.
  • All other appliances may be used normally.
  • Pet access doors need to be left closed.


What is Radon?  Have other questions regarding Radon?  We have answers check up Radon FAQ's here (link to faq page)

Radon testing is simple. Here is a common scenario for potential homebuyers:

  1. Find the house you want to buy
  2. As part of the home inspection process, request a short-term radon test, using a qualified radon measurement professional. Your home inspector may or may not be qualified to conduct radon testing.
  3. If the short-term test result is 4.0 pCi/L or higher, then consider asking the seller to fix it, or consider purchasing the home and performing a long-term test to determine what the actual exposure is.
  4. Once you decide to reduce the radon in the house, seek bids from qualified contractors who are willing to guarantee and warranty results.
  5. Use bids from contractors to either fix the home prior to moving in, or after you take possession. Bids can be used as a basis for negotiations or even establishing escrow funds that can be used to mitigate the house once elevated levels have been confirmed.


For the real estate buyer we provide these additional services to help ensure reliable test results:


​The use of a Continuous radon monitor which collects and analyzes data in real time, allowing for quicker test results. 

Compliance verification procedures, including:

tamper seals on all   windows and non-essential doors.

  • motion detector
  • "close door" reminder notes  on unsealed doors.
  • analysis of hourly data for consistency and quality
  • careful explanation of test conditions prior to initiation of the test and occupants signature on compliance agreement.

Need a Radon Test? Get started today!

Request your Commercial, Daycare/Preschool, or Home Radon Test Now!